Tracking Avenir – on Overview of Wave 1

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Last update: After jump 28 – 23/09 17:00 UTC

Update 22/09 10:43 UTC – I backtracked data from Ingress Updates (English) TG and was able to reconstruct what happened during my ‘missing’ jumps 2 and 3. This means there are actually 2 more jumps.

22/09 9:50 UTC Updated my distance formula to haversine formula. Distances should now be correct even for diagonal distances. I’m using a radius of 6371 km.

Niantic has offered their own tracking site here: It gives a nice graphical overview. But for someone who loves numbers and someone who currently was too busy to follow it every five hours it lacks a summary or overview.

I therefore generated a quick overview for myself – and was surprised what I learned along the way. I will report in waves as this should make my tables easier to read.

Wave 1:

A total of 3 shards spawned during the first wave. Explorer in Philadelphia, USA, Omniscient in Bucharest, Romania and Listener in Saporro, Japan. All of these had the closest target portal between 1886km and 3245 km.

Two out of these three have now arrived. You can follow there travel in the details below.

It took me a while to get my data correct – originally I missed 2 jumps as they got overwritten on the tracking tool – and distances only calculated correctly if East/West or North/South – but the data should be now as accurate as possible apart of rounding and not knowing what Niantic uses as Radius for the Earth.

Total Distance travelled4140.34651.89.4
Percentage of distance travelled100.0%100.0%0.1%
Distance remaining0.00.01332.7
Average distance345.0221.51.0
Longest Link1367.81652.92.6
Shortest Link31.670.290.022
Distance to destination2022.802960.651333.55
Total jumps142728
Links travelled12219
Times not moved2619
Times not moved14%22%68%
Total Distance travelled4140.34244.79.4
Percentage of distance travelled100.0%87.3%0.1%
Distance remaining0.0375.91332.7
Average distance345.0223.41.0
Longest Link1367.81652.92.6
Shortest Link31.670.290.022
Distance to destination2022.802960.651333.55
Total jumps142424
Links travelled12199
Times not moved2515
Times not moved14%21%63%


Explorer did reach Oklahoma City after 12 jumps. Well done US players. The route took it via the coast down to the tip of Florida and across water to near Houston to go back northwards to the final destination. Explorer seems to have jumped at every single opportunity and advanced in all 12 jumps with an efficiency of 49% aka for each 1 km of jump distance it managed to get 490 m closer to the target (on average). Explorer therefore has set the goal to beat.

Special mention are jumps 4 – 1217 km and 7 – 1367 km. I have no idea who planned it or if it was ENL or RES or both – let me know and I try to add this here.

Actually the shard stalled twice – it didn’t move jump 2 and 3. Unfortunately this wasn’t clear from the Niantic tracker site as the Saporro shard moved back and forth the same time and Budapest stalled as well. So I left out jumps 2/3 completely.


The Listener shard had much more trouble to get out of Saporro. It took 4 jumps before it finally was free of the starting city. Four more jumps slowly got it along a mountain range towards the coast. It stalled twice in the mountains while making the passage / waiting for the large jump to follow. But all was worth it – as from the coast it went in one large jump of 1652 km to the island of Chichijima – avoiding mainland Japan in the process.

From there – via a small jump on the island – it went in another huge jump of nearly 1237 km to the Amami/Oshima island.

We have no managed 70% of the way and it will be interesting to see what the next large jump off the island will be. Directly to Taiwan – or will there be one or more stops in between?

Several jumps later and still nothing to report. The shard has moved to several different portals on the island – or stalled – but seems stuck right now. I hope all it needs is a large jump away from where it is right now and that everything is being set up.

I updated a back and forth jump during jump 2/3. This makes 2 more jumps done.

Jump 22. The shard was successfully moved to Mijaku-Jima Island. This was a 580 km jump with ‘just’ 550 km remaining. It is great to see the shard moving again and making major progress, There is hope it might reach Taiwan in the next jump.

Jump 23. The island hop continues. The shard now is in Dognyin Township. I don’t even know what the island name is or which country it belongs to. The move was via an ENL link and opens up a much more beneficial angle to approach the target – or at least a portal very close by. Only one major link in the way connecting Taiwan to China – but I know how hard it can be to reach some of these Lighthouses – having failed myself hacking a local one just yesterday (I could have killed it – was able to get to 70 m).

Jump 24 – it moved 330 meter inland. There were two links blocking any approach to Taiwan. Not sure if it was moved inland to protect – or high jack? It certainly seems a local ENL is around.

The shard took a short break – before moving again in jump 26 for 318 km to arrive on a small island just off the coast of Taiwan. It reached the destination in the next jump – jump 27. An 88 km jump – navigating a dense area of links.

In total Listener jumped 21 times and didn’t move 6 times. Several islands were visited and coordination can’t have been easy. Congratulation to the Japanese and Taiwanese teams who managed this feat.


The first European shard hasn’t gone anywhere yet. It only started at the second jump – for some 660 m. It then managed to get a 3 km jump to a nearby fountain – only to stay there / manage to move 50 m back and forth in another 7 jumps.

Jump 11 might have been the very first jump where it actually started moving – but we can’t be sure yet if it manages to get out of Bucharest any time soon. With a total of 9.4 km travelled – in 16 possible jumps – and having stalled on 44% of opportunities it needs to start moving properly before we know if it ever will reach Milan.

A max distance travelled of 2.6 km in a single jump isn’t yet reassuring.

Oh – I forgot – this one actually had the shortest distance of them all to travel from wave 1.

I start to be ashamed that I’m a European agent. We seem not to be able to get it organised. This shard still isn’t moving. And the Leeds shard now is over in Canada. Come on – we want at least one shard in Milan !!

I updated two stalled links jump 2/3. Data should now be complete.

Jump 22 – no change.

Jump 23 – the portal is owned by Jarvis – under a blue field. The field itself doesn’t look well protected – but it is deliberately held and needs some local effort to get moving. Guess we would need some tourists if the local players don’t want to participate.

Jump 24 – unchanged

As of writing – the shard now stayed for a total of 10 jumps at the same portal. Memes are starting on reddit – so come on – move it. Or someone just steal it. My wife didn’t allow me to fly down myself on the weekend – what a shame.


Footnote: About distances – I calculate the distance using the haversine formula and a radius of 6371 km. This replaces my original calculations which turned wrong of it went diagonal. Thanks for /u/noddie on reddit for the formula.

My data: I manually copy the coordinate data from the Ingress Prime tracker. You can find the data here: Will update the link as I removed earlier version.

Please let me know if you spot any mistake / have suggestions for improvements. This spreadsheet might not always get updated – the original in on my PC in Excel.